Turning  S   through   the   village   of Areni, a paved road climbs up to spectacular views of the Noravank gorge, passing the hamlet of Amaghu.  Near Amaghu on a hill by the gorge are remains of a medieval fortress. On the  right  can be  seen  in

   About   1 km    before   the   village  of Khachik, visible on the right are the sadly ruined remains of the 9th c. Karkopi or Khotakerats (“grass- eaters”) Vank. The site owes its name to the vegetarian ascetics who   used to    live   in    the     gorge,   assembling


the distance the recent fortifications along the border with Nakhichevan.


only for Sunday prayers. They were reined in and monasticized by Bishop Hovhannes III, who built them a church of 911 (several times rebuilt after earthquakes) with the support of Shushan, widow of Ashot I. The gavit is 13th c. In the village itself is the Astvatsatsin basilica dated 1681. Some 1.5 km E of the village are remains of Berdatagh ruined medieval castle. There is supposed a Hngazard ruined medieval church 2 km NE.